Installation Method and Components


Prince of Songkla University Laboratory Test
The laboratory study was conducted in a wave flume at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. The flume was equipped with a paddle-type monochromatic wavemaker and allowed for the establishment of a beach profile. San from a nearby beach was used to create a 1:6 slope, and the Flotilla system was scaled down to fit the flume.
The experiment involved two major test sets, each with different water depths and eight tests varying in wave periods and heights. Each test was performed twice, with and without the Flotilla system, to determine its effectiveness. the beach profile was recorded every five minutes, and the incident wave and structure motion were also documented. The tests were conducted to simulate both a natural unprotected beach profile and a protected beach with Flotilla system installed.
Evaluating the Efficacy of the Flotilla System
According to the study led by Professor Dr. Chatchawin Srisuwan, Faculty of Engineering, Price of Songkla University. Drawing on the findings of a comprehensive study titled "Physical Modeling of Flotilla Wave Reducer System for Mitigation of Erosive Beach Profile," we can confidently assert the effectiveness of this innovative system.
The Flotilla system has been meticulously tested in lab conditions, demonstrating a significant reduction in wave energy and subsequent erosion. In fact, the system was able to reduce wave heights by an impressive 30-40% during these tests. This reduction in wave energy directly translates to a decrease in beach erosion, making the Flotilla system an effective tool in preserving our precious coastlines.
Moreover, the Flotilla system has shown particular promise in areas prone to high erosion. The system's ability to mitigate beach erosion is even more pronounced in highly erosive beach evolution scenarios, particularly those with more energetic waves. This makes the Flotilla system an ideal solution for coastal areas that are most at risk.
Currently, the Flotilla system is being field-tested at an erosion-prone beach area to further validate its effectiveness in real-world conditions. These ongoing testes are expected to provide even more evidence of the Flotilla system's potential in mitigating beach erosion.